Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX cab project

  So you combine a jailbroken PS3 ,an old Galaxian arcade cabinet(for those who don't know it's exactly the same shape and dimensions of the Pac-Man cabinet) ,some custom artwork based off of both Pac-Man and Pac-Man championship edition and voila you get a Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Arcade cabinet.
Why you might ask, well for one it's Pac-Man and a new prettier Pac-Man at that and secondly the PS3 has a failing blue-ray drive so its gaming lifespan under normal use is limited at best but for my purposes it should soldier on for quite some time to come.
    Currently this project is far from complete I am only just getting started on it but I shall post more on this as the project progresses.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Games of Arcade Insanity Part 1 Satan's Hollow

Are you a big Galaxian fan, but don’t find its space theme compelling? Wish that instead you could battle the forces of Darkness in a very similar Spaceship? Well then “Satan’s Hollow” could be just the game for you. In this arcade classic you battle through crazy level after crazy level. All the while battling demons and devils in your up-gradable gold ship. Meanwhile you have an overarching goal – to build a bridge to the bonus level, where you battle Satan himself.

Destroy Satan and a flaming chalice full of extra points will be all yours. Not to mention an extra laser for your Hellship.
Really brings back memories. I pumped lots of tokens into this machine at Chucky Cheese back in the day. I mean who could resist this thing. Look at that cabinet. That combat style joystick glowing red in the blacklight. I just had to have one of my very own. It exemplifies what parent’s in the 1980s feared most about video games and also exemplified what made them Great – Compelling visuals and graduated gameplay difficulty.

                                                           Here's a video of the gameplay

I have been seeking one of these shirts for some time now, but my search has been in vain. I guess I would have to make some sort of deal with the devil to get one,though it might be worth it.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Time Out high score cards

Pac-Man Bumper Stickers

Vintage Pac-Man Bumper stickers

Still alive and kicking with a pocket full of tokens :)

I'm still here just heavily distracted, nothing was forgotten or abandoned just put on hold for a while. Still I intend to put aside a little time here and there to work on things and get the sites finished and updated :) To start with there's a Facebook page here Arcade-Insanity Facebook page 
I'm currently stricken with pac-man fever and have become obsessed with getting my hands on a Namco PacMan Battle Royale Deluxe cab!       at 12 grand its not to likely but i can dream and am planning to hunt one down and take a road trip in the spring to go play it for a few hours

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Begining?

Not really the beginning as I've been Collecting & working on Arcade Machines for a few years now but I had to start the blog somewhere ,and thus it begins.The Above pictures are the state of things roughly a year ago, not a complete view of the basement arcade but a fair chunk of it at the time.